Walking — a simple enough concept — one wouldn’t think there was a great deal to be said about it.
Until, that is, walking becomes the focus of your attention; how far can you try to walk today? To the bathroom? to the post box? for five minutes? for 30 minutes? for a hike up the mountain?
Now that we believe Spring is truly on its way, it is time to put walking right up to the top of the agenda. It is so rewarding to walk along the street and notice the snowdrops, two or three one day, a dozen the next and then, as if by magic, a cluster of crocus, narcissus and the sweet smell of hyacinth, capturing our sense of hope and giving us purpose to spend time each day inhaling deeply and simply enjoying the natural scenes along the way.
Walking, like every exercise, requires some planning and practice. For those who have been limited in mobility for whatever reason and are just beginning to walk again, there are a few safeguards to keep in mind and practice.
Secure footwear, no mats, throw carpets or electrical cords on the floor, good light, something to hold onto when needed such as a solid chair moved into a good position and a welcoming destination, the bathroom, a balcony, or a freshly made bed are good beginnings.
As strength returns fresh air is critical in raising mood, energy level and an interest in the outside world. It is time to bundle up and enjoy the balcony for a while or walk just a short distance to look at something new in the street. A walker, cane or another person are all good supports and there is no shame in relying on anyone of them. The important thing is to set a goal for every opportunity to extend stamina, safety and flexibility. Choose different routes, study inclines, watch the changing stage — puppies and kids that are growing, construction underway, new obstacles in the pathway, and for a treat, walk to a new coffee shop in the neighbourhood.
Walking is free, it improves posture, strengthens core, helps air exchange and can turn a negative mood to positive more quickly than you will believe.
Written by Anne Duggan, Invited Advisor to Bell Alliance