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Salud! Connecting British Columbia’s Winery and Hospitality Industry with Foreign Entreprenueurs


Bell Alliance Global Immigration Services Inc. (BA Global) and EVG Export Ventures Group Inc. (EVG) join forces to connect BC businesses and foreign investors under the BC Provincial Nominee Program

British Columbia (BC) Provincial Nominee Program has received well deserved attention for its innovative business investment and immigration opportunities targeting foreign entrepreneurs and investors wanting to live and work in BC. As the province’s aging workforce prepares for retirement and local entrepreneurs seek expertise and capital to grow successfully, EVG and Bell Alliancewill provide a much needed bridge to connect foreigners with these businesses by providing business brokerage services to BC businesses and immigration services and business planning to foreigners.

There has been significant economic gain from the BC PNP programs since its inception in 2001. The Strategic Occupation stream helps employers fill labour shortages by nominating skilled workers, international graduates and entry level, semi-skilled workers for permanent residency. The Business stream targets entrepreneurs and investors with the required skills and experience to manage a business in BC’s key industries. In the Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation’s 2011 evaluation report, 203 entrepreneurs that were nominated through the BC PNP Business stream have invested over $423 million into BC’s economy and created over 1000 jobs between 2005 and 2010. Regions across BC have benefited, as over 50% of investments made and jobs created have been outside of the Lower Mainland area (Grant Thornton, 2011).

The challenge BC businesses face, especially those in rural areas, is finding people to buy or invest into their company. The difficulty is even greater for foreigners abroad, who often have little knowledge of the opportunities available. Richard Bell, director and founder of Bell Alliance Lawyers & Notaries Public, echoes this challenge. “I have practiced real estate and corporate law for several years. The number of business owners seeking advice on their exit strategy, while not shutting their business down, has grown significantly in the last few years.”

To read more, please see our press release: Salud! Connection BC’s Winery and Hospitality Industry with Foreign Entrepreneurs

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